In this stereoscopic augmented reality installation, viewers gazed upon a rear projection of a window front (8 x 3 meters) within a space. The position of the eyes was tracked using Kinect V2 and aligned with the position of the stereoscopic camera in the virtual space. The field of view of the cameras was confined to a frame, which corresponded to the projection surface in reality. Thanks to this method, the perspective of the image matched the viewing angle of the observer. This synchronization enhanced the illusion of spatial vision (disparity and convergence through shutter glasses) by adding two additional dimensions: motion parallax and the revealing and covering of surfaces through movement.
Unlike normal vision, I had control over these functions and could thus introduce deliberate disturbances. These included allowing the distance between the eyes to wander or swapping the right eye's view with that of the left. The image depth could leap into the room, intersected by the individual window frames, or create an image that contradicts the viewer's movement. My installation aimed, among other things, to push the limits of this technique, thereby working with the relaxation and tension of the eyes. This work was part of my diploma at the Academy of Fine Arts Nürnberg 2021.
Sound: Alexandru Salariu, also known as N'dru.