The observer gazes upon a glass sculpture that floats in space and slowly rotates around itself. The viewers are tracked using Kinect V2. The position of their heads is aligned with the position of the camera in the virtual space (optionally a stereoscopic camera), which live-transmits its image onto the projection surface. The field of view of the digital camera is confined to a frame in the virtual space, corresponding to a 5m x 2.8m large window front. This creates an illusion of spatiality as the perspective of the image always matches the viewer's line of sight.

Moreover, the sculpture's refraction and reflection change as the viewer moves. The Kinect V2's captured image is also used to assess the ambient light at the exhibition location, reflecting it on the sculpture. This allows the viewer's own distorted reflection to become visible, as well as the passing cars and trains. The installation can optionally be experienced in 3D.